Tuesday 4 January 2011


Apologies for my lack of blogging. I've been so very busy. 
I hope christmas was wonderful!
I've been reading up on companies that test on animals. This is a cause close to my heart as I am a vegetarian and I do not like to use products that have been tested on animals, as it goes against my principals.

I was shocked to find out how many ingredients come from animals. Most people think that this will not hurt the animal, but it does.
Also, just because a product says "Not Tested on Animals" on the label does not mean the ingredients weren't tested on animals. To put "not tested on animals" on a product, only the final product cannot have been tested on animals.

This is just hypocritical. I think the law needs to be changed.
I also think products should say whether they are suitable for vegetarians and vegans on them. Because that is important too. 

I'd love to hear other people's opinions.